Q: A company has raised capital as follows (in millions USD).

Series A Pre-Money: 2.454

Series A Post-Money: 4.185

Series B Pre-Money: 44.934

Series B Post-Money: 89.881

Series C Pre-Money: 155.75

Series C Post-Money: 215.681

How much did the company raised in each round, in millions?

Round A:

Round B:

Round C:

Assuming no other securities were issued, what fraction of the firm’s shares were held by common shareholders (founders and employees) after each round, in percent?

Round A:

Round B:

Round C:


Type your answers with “.” instead of “,”! For numerical answers, use 2 decimal places. For instance, if your answer is 0.12345 or 12.345%, type, “12.34” in the box.