Talk Research Internationalization (UFSM)

Henrique C. Martins


My opinions do not represent those of the institution I work for.

I am a young scholar. What the H do I know?

The current state

Too many articles…

… in low-quality journals.

Scholars are doing their best

  • To get “tenure” (not a common concept in Brazil yet)
  • To increase reputation
  • High competitive environment (mental health is a problem)

Journals are doing their best to increase impact

  • Game of metrics
  • High competitive environment for journals

Too many articles

Brazil 60k scientific articles in 2018: data.worldbank

World 2.554K scientific articles in 2018: data.worldbank

Production of academic research is not a problem anymore.

Production of academic research is not a problem anymore. Source.

Production of academic research is not a problem anymore. Source.

International Standards

ABS List (Site)

International Standards

ABS List (Site)

International Standards

ABS List (Site)

  • A short (messy!) list.

Focus is on:

  • ABS 4* (too competitive)

  • ABS 4 (highly competitive)

  • ABS 3 (competitive)

  • ABS 2 (there are good journals here)

  • ABS 1 (there might be a few good journals here)

An international ranking list has several advantages over a national one.

International movements

Open science

Open science encompasses unhindered access to scientific articles, access to data from public research, and collaborative research enabled by ICT tools and incentives.

Broadening access to scientific publications and data is at the heart of open science, so that research outputs are in the hands of as many as possible, and potential benefits are spread as widely as possible” (OCDE).

É um movimento internacional, já presente em vários campos de pesquisa, com o objetivo de tornar a pesquisa acadêmica mais transparente, acessível e relevante.

Exemplo mais recente: Dados de COVID (link).

International movements

Open science

  • Open code

  • Open data

  • Open peer review

  • Data repositories

    • Need data? Mendeley data, Dataverse, Data in Brief, …

Check this project:

Open Code Com

Networks & Conferences

I could not stress more the importance of network, international contacts, and international co-authors…

  • Many relationships are established during a conference
    • Pay attention to how many accents are there in a conference
  • Best way to understand what is the current game
    • For instance, Finance: Causal Inference Methods
  • Every section gives, at least, one good idea (and many bad ones)
  • Pay attention to the questions that senior scholars make

    • They know better than you, if they don’t know the answer, it is always nice to provide one (if possible)
    • Plus, your article will likely have an international audience

Papers about writing papers

  1. Shepherd DA, Wiklund J. Simple Rules, Templates, and Heuristics! An Attempt to Deconstruct the Craft of Writing an Entrepreneurship Paper. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 2020;44(3):371-390. doi

  2. Jason A. Colquitt and Gerard George, 2011: Publishing in AMJ—Part 1: Topic Choice. AMJ, 54, 432–435, doi

  • Part II, Part III, …

For Students

If you are playing the quantity game, you are playing it wrong, in my opinion.

  • Focus on quality, your whole 40-year career is a 20-ABS3 papers, not a 200+ papers
  • Understand the concept of a Job Market Paper
    • Doesn’t need to be published by the end of your PhD, but senior enough to nice presentations
    • Without one, your chances are lower.

For Students

  • Create a single project
    • You, yourself, and you alone
    • It shows that you execute all parts of a project
    • Also, helps to understand how to be a better tutor in the future
    • Your supervisor, better than anyone, will understand
  • Spend time on the letter
    • sometimes, the response letter has more pages than the article

For Faculty

The major output a professor can have is the positions their students get.

  • Students are future co-authors

    • Likely they’ll know the literature better
  • The best articles, most likely, come during your career, not during the PhD of your student.

  • Brazilian standards need to change from a short-term (i.e., 4 years students) to a long-term mindset (i.e., relationship with the student and future outcomes).

    • Helps thinking more about quality than quantity.