Inferência Causal em Pesquisas de Finanças: Problemas e Soluções

Enanpad 2024

Henrique C. Martins


Correlation & Causality

It is very common these days to hear someone say “correlation does not mean causality.”

In essence, that is true.

  • The killer struck during daylight. Had the sun not been out that day, the victim would have been safe.

  • There is a correlation, but it is clear there is no causation.

Sometimes, there is causality even when we do not observe correlation.

The sailor is adjusting the rudder on a windy day to align the boat with the wind, but the boat is not changing direction. (Source: The Mixtape)


In this example, the sailor is endogenously adjusting the course to balance the unobserved wind.

The challenge

  • I will discuss some issues in using plain OLS models in Finance Research (mainly with panel data).
  • I will avoid the word “endogeneity” as much as possible.

    • This word refers to the violation of the Conditional Mean Independence (CMI) assumption, meaning that \(x\) and \(\mu\) are correlated.
  • I will also avoid the word “identification” because identification does not guarantee causality and vice-versa (Kahn and Whited 2017)

The challenge

  • Imagine that you want to investigate the effect of Governance on Q

    • You may have more covariates explaining Q (omitted from slides)

\(𝑸_{i} = α + 𝜷 × Gov_{i} + Controls + error\)

All the issues in the next slides will make it not possible to infer that changing Gov will CAUSE a change in Q

That is, cannot infer causality

1) Reverse causation

  • Perhaps it is \(Q\) that causes \(Gov\).

  • OLS based methods do not tell the difference between these two betas:

    • \(Q_{i} = \alpha + \beta × Gov_{i} + Controls + \epsilon\)

    • \(Gov_{i} = \alpha + \beta × Q_{i} + Controls + \epsilon\)

  • If one Beta is significant, the other will most likely be significant too.

  • You need a sound theory (and possibly play with lags, might not be enough)!

2) Simultaneity

  • Perhaps \(Gov\) and \(Q\) are determined simultaneously.

  • That is, there is a third variable causing both.

  • An OLS regression will provide a biased estimate of the effect.

  • Also, the sign might be wrong.

3) Omitted variable bias (OVB)

  • Imagine that you do not include an important “true” predictor of \(Q\)

  • Let’s say, long is: \(𝑸_{i} = \alpha_{long} + \beta_{long}* Gov_{i} + δ * omitted + error\)

  • But you estimate short: \(𝑸_{i} = \alpha_{short} + \beta_{short}* Gov_{i} + error\)

  • \(\beta_{short}\) will be:

    • \(\beta_{short} = \beta_{long}\) + bias

    • \(\beta_{short} = \beta_{long}\) + relationship between omitted (omitted) and included (Gov) * effect of omitted in long (δ)

      • Where: relationship between omitted (omitted) and included (Gov) is: \(Omitted = \alpha + ϕ *Gov_{i} + \mu\)
  • Thus, OVB is: \(\beta_{short} – \beta_{long} = ϕ * δ\)

4) Bad Controls

  • Bad controls are variables that are also outcome of the treatment (i.e., \(Gov\)) being studied.

  • A Bad control could very well be a dependent variable of \(Gov\) as well.

  • Good controls are variables that you can think as being fixed at the time of the treatment.

    • \(𝑄_{i} = \alpha + \beta × Gov_{i} + Controls + \epsilon\)
  • Assuming you also have something that is the consequence of good governance (e.g., Novo Mercado dummy). Should you include it in the model?

  • No. In this case, the coefficient of interest no longer has a causal interpretation.


It is not hard to come up with stories of why a control is a bad control.

5) Collider bias

Collider bias occurs when an independent variable and outcome each influence a third variable and that variable or collider is included in the regression.

  • In a way, a collider is a bad control.
  • While a bad control makes you underestimate the effect, a collider creates spurious correlation between the X and the Y.

In the analysis below

  • \(Q_{i} = \alpha + \beta × Gov_{i} + Controls + \epsilon\)

Including, for instance, CEO Reputation (assuming that both \(Q\) and \(Gov\) influences CEO Reputation) creates a false correlation between \(Gov\) and \(Q\).

  • You may estimate a significant association even when there is none.

6) Specification error

\(Q_{i} = \alpha + \beta × Gov_{i} + Controls + \epsilon\)

  • Even if we could perfectly measure \(Gov\) and all relevant covariates, we would not know for sure the functional form through which each influences \(Q\).

    • Functional form: linear? Quadratic? Log-log? Semi-log?
  • Misspecification of x’s is similar to OVB.

7) Signaling

  • Perhaps, some individuals are signaling the existence of an X without truly having it:

    • For instance: firms signaling they have good governance without it
  • This is similar to the OVB because you cannot observe the full story.

8) Construct validity

  • Some constructs (e.g. \(Gov\)) are complex and sometimes have conflicting mechanisms.

  • We usually don’t know for sure what “good” governance is, for instance.

  • It is common to use imperfect proxies, that may poorly fit the underlying concept.

9) Measurement error

  • “Classical” random measurement error in x’s will bias the coefficient toward zero

    • \(x^{*} = x + \sigma_{2}\)
    • Imagine that \(x^{*}\) is a bunch of noise. It would not explain anything.
    • Thus, your results are biased toward zero.
  • “Classical” random measurement error in the Y will inflate standard errors but will not lead to biased coefficients.

    • \(y^{*} = y + \sigma_{1}\)
    • If you estimante \(y^{*} = f(x)\), you have \(y + \sigma_{1} = x + \epsilon\)
    • \(y = x + u\)
      • where \(u = \epsilon + \sigma_{1}\)

10) Heterogeneous effects

  • Maybe the causal effect of \(Gov\) on \(Q\) depends on observed and unobserved firm characteristics:

    • Let’s assume that firms seek to maximize \(Q\).
    • Different firms have different optimal \(Gov\).
    • Firms know their optimal \(Gov\).
    • If we observed all factors that affect \(Q\), each firm would be at its own optimum and OLS regression would give a non-significant coefficient.
  • In such case, we may find a positive or negative relationship.

  • Neither is the true causal relationship.

11) Observation bias

  • This is analogous to the Hawthorne effect, in which observed subjects behave differently because they are observed.

  • Firms which change gov may behave differently because their managers or employees think the change in \(Gov\) matters, when in fact it has no direct effect.

12) Selection bias

  • If you run a regression with two types of companies

    • High gov (let’s say they are the treated group)
    • Low gov (let’s say they are the control group)
  • Without any matching method, these companies are likely not comparable

    • Apples compared to oranges
  • Thus, the estimated beta will contain selection bias, which can be either be positive or negative

13) Self-Selection

  • Self-selection is a type of selection bias. Usually, firms decide which level of governance they adopt

  • It is like they “self-select” into the treatment.

    • Units decide whether they receive the treatment or not
  • There are reasons why firms adopt high governance

    • If observable, you need to control for. If unobservable, you have a problem.


More data is not necessarily a solution, you need a sound empirical design.